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The net loss in the third quarter was $537 million, and the net profit margin was - 42%, lower than expected. By comparison, the net income of the same period last year was $29 million, and the net profit margin was 3%.how to host on TwitterAs businesses and individuals increasingly turn to social media to promote their brand and engage with their audience, Twitter has become one of the most popular platforms for this purpose. But where do you start if you're new to hosting on Twitter? Firstly, it's important to define what you mean by "hosting on Twitter". If you're referring to hosting a Twitter chat, which is a live, public conversation centered around a specific hashtag, there are a few key steps to follow: 1. Choose a topic: Your Twitter chat should revolve around a specific theme or topic that your audience is interested in. Make sure it's relevant to your brand or industry and that you have enough to say on the subject to sustain a conversation. 2. Pick a date and time: Consider your audience and their availability. Choose a time that works for as many people as possible, taking into account time zones if you have an international following. 3. Create a hashtag: Your Twitter chat needs a unique hashtag so that participants can follow along and contribute to the conversation. Make it short, memorable, and relevant to your topic. 4. Promote your Twitter chat: Spread the word about your chat in advance to ensure maximum participation. Use your existing social media channels, email list, and blog to announce the details and encourage people to join in. 5. Prepare your questions: As the host, it's your job to keep the conversation flowing. Prepare a series of questions in advance that will spark discussion and engage your audience. 6. Engage with participants: During the chat, actively engage with participants by retweeting their contributions, responding to their questions, and asking follow-up questions. 7. Follow up: After the chat, thank participants for joining and recap the highlights of the conversation. Use the insights gained from the chat to inform future content and engagement strategies. Hosting a Twitter chat can be a great way to build your brand, connect with your audience, and establish yourself as a thought leader in your industry. With careful planning and execution, you can make your Twitter chat a success and reap the rewards of increased engagement and brand recognition.

It is learned that Twitter expects its revenue in the fourth quarter to be between $1.5 billion and $1.6 billion. Analysts at Zacks had previously estimated the revenue of the fourth quarter to be $821 million.how to host on TwitterTwitter is one of the most popular social media platforms in the world with millions of active users. Apart from communicating with friends and followers, Twitter can also be used to promote businesses, products, and services. If you are looking to host an event on Twitter, here are some steps you can follow: 1. Plan your event: Before you host an event on Twitter, you need to have a strategy in place. Decide on a theme, date, time, and duration of the event. Come up with a unique hashtag that participants can use when tweeting about the event. 2. Invite participants: Start by promoting your event on your social media channels and website. You can also send direct messages to your followers and customers. Encourage them to invite their friends and followers to join the event. 3. Set up a landing page: Create a landing page with information about the event, registration form, and hashtag. You can use platforms like Eventbrite or Meetup to create a landing page and manage registrations. 4. Create a schedule: Plan out the tweets for the event in advance. Create a schedule for the event and stick to it. You can use tools like Hootsuite or Sprout Social to schedule tweets. 5. Engage with participants: During the event, engage with your participants by retweeting their tweets, asking questions, and responding to their comments. This will encourage more participation and help build a community around your brand. 6. Follow up: After the event, follow up with the participants by thanking them for participating. Share some highlights of the event and encourage them to join your next event. By hosting an event on Twitter, you can increase engagement, reach new customers, and build a community around your brand. With the right strategy and planning, you can make your event a success and grow your business on Twitter.


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