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5月23号一位卖家在电子商务EKG上表示他们无法在eBay平台上架产品。另一位卖家在eBay技术问题板块上也反馈了相同问题:“我今天无法上架任何产品,点击 “LIST ITEM”时它毫无反应。我急需完成今天的上架任务和计划。请问eBay出现什么问题了?”

On May 23, a seller said on e-commerce EKG that they could not put their products on eBay platform. Another seller also fed back the same question on eBay's technical issues section: "I can't put any products on the shelves today. It didn't respond when I clicked" list item ". I urgently need to complete today's task and plan. What's wrong with eBay? "buy Instagram poll votes,free instagram like


也有卖家在eBay技术问题委员会上反馈上架后无法保存,页面一直转圈圈。据悉,该问题 早在周六出现。另一位无法在周六上架新产品的卖家表示,eBay显示以下错误消息:“出现丢失或无效信息。请解决所有问题,然后重试。” 并附有一个 运费的链接。

Some sellers reported on eBay's Technical Issues Committee that they couldn't save it after it was put on the shelf, and the page kept turning around. It is reported that the problem appeared as early as Saturday. Another seller who couldn't get a new product on Saturday said eBay displayed the following error message: "missing or invalid information. Please fix all problems and try again." With a link to freight.buy Instagram poll votes,free instagram like




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卖家反馈eBay上无法上架产品,eBay尚未作出回应buy Instagram poll votes,free instagram like❤️‍🔥