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1.Diana Gabaldon的《Go Tell the Bees That I Am Gone 》(–)

2.Robert Jordan的《The Eye of the World 》(–)

3.J.K. Rowling的《Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone by J.K. Rowling》

4.J.K. Rowling的《Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix》(+1)

5.Frank Herbert的《Dune》(-1)

6.Amor Towles的《The Lincoln Highway 》(+1)

7.J.K. Rowling的《Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire 》(-1)

8.Liane Moriarty的《Apples Never Fall 》(–)

9.J.K. Rowling的《Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows 》(–)

10.Andy Weir的《Project Hail Mary 》(+1)

11.J.K. Rowling的《Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince 》(-1)

12.John Grisham的《The Judge’s List 》(–)

13.J.K. Rowling的《Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban 》(–)

14.J.K. Rowling《Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets》(–)

15.Robert Jordan《The Great Hunt》(+2)

16.Andrzej Sapkowski《The Last Wish 》(reentry)

17.Laura Dave《The Last Thing He Told Me》(+2)

18.Jodi Picoult的《Wish You Were Here 》(–)

19.James S.A. Corey的《Leviathan Falls 》(-4)

20.Kristina McMorris的《Sold on a Monday 》(–)


在1月2日至8日,热门书籍销售榜的前3名与上一周相比名次没有变化。但由于哈利波特系列素来是畅销王,JK 罗琳的《哈利波特与凤凰社》的销量往前上升了一个名次,排名第四。Robert Jordan的《沙丘》的销量则后退了一名,但仍位居前五。

From January 2 to 8, the top three in the popular book sales list did not change compared with the previous week. However, because the Harry Potter series has always been the best-selling king, JK Rowling's "Harry Potter and the order of the Phoenix" rose one place in sales and ranked fourth. Robert Jordan's "dune" fell one place in sales, but still ranked in the top five.buy cheap Instagram likes,how to host on Instagram


重返TOP10榜的有Andy Weir冰雹玛丽(Project Hail Mary),击败了JK罗琳的《哈利波特与混血王子》TOP20的还有Andrzej Sapkowski的《The Last Wish?》,位居第16。


值得关注的是,在12月底新出版的《利波特与混血王子第 2 季》一经上市也迎来购买高潮,在TOP20中排名第11,上一周在亚马逊上也十分抢手。#site_name#了解到,1月 周亚马逊书籍销量TOP20中JK 罗琳的哈利波特系列赢得7席,可见哈利波特系列的抢手程度,是值得卖家关注的销售热点。

小编✎   Estella/#site_name#



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